In 1954, Upper Arlington High School performed their first musical production — Brigadoon — under the direction of choir director Mr. Herbert Yenser. In the yearbook, it was noted as a “musical that no one can forget.” (Norwester 1954, p. 101.)
Seventy years later, we look back on this and all successive musicals produced by the high school through the years — classics, like Oklahoma and The Sound of Music, to contemporary productions, such as In the Heights and Mean Girls. How has this tradition changed throughout the years? What have previous cast members gone on to accomplish in the world of professional theatre?
Led by UAHS Vocal Music Director, Dr. Brandon Moss. Attendees will also have the rare opportunity to walk on and behind the UAHS stage, learning about the activity spaces that support the fantasy worlds we see onstage.
This is a free-to-attend event, thanks to the support of our series sponsor, First Merchants Bank. The general public is welcome on a first-come, first serve basis.